image/svg+xml Biology overview for bioinformatics Human genome composition Genome sizes Tree of life Tree of life Tree of life Standard molecular biology dogma More rare interactions in green: The genetic code! Sequencing Matching and assembly Sequence results This picture shows how Open Reading Frames (ORFs) can be used for gene prediction. Gene prediction is the process of determining where a coding gene might be in a genomic sequence. Functional proteins must begin with a Start codon (where DNA transcription begins), and end with a Stop codon (where transcription ends). By looking at where those codons might fall in a DNA sequence, one can see where a functional protein might be located. This is important in gene prediction because it can reveal where coding genes are in an entire genomic sequence. In this example, a functional protein can be discovered using ORF3 because it begins with a Start codon, has multiple amino acids, and then ends with a Stop codon, all within the same reading frame.
  1. IntroFrame
  2. Cell
  3. Chromosomes
  4. Nucleus
  5. Chromosome parts
  6. Chromosome single
  7. Gene
  8. Gene size
  9. DNA overview
  10. Histones
  11. Gene
  12. Nucleotides
  13. GATC
  14. Bond strength
  15. Central dogma
  16. Central dogma detailed
  17. Central dogma text
  18. Central dogma enzymes
  19. Central dogma rep
  20. Central dogma trans
  21. Central dogma transation
  22. Central dogma big
  23. Codons
  24. Codons
  25. Codons circle
  26. Codons key
  27. Codons whole
  28. Cell dogma
  29. Cell dogma nuc
  30. Cell dogma tRNA
  31. Cell dogma whole
  32. Folding vis
  33. Folding 1
  34. Folding 2
  35. Folding 3
  36. Folding 4
  37. Folding levels
  38. Folding levels 1 2
  39. Folding levels 3
  40. Folding levels 4
  41. Folding levels 4
  42. Folding detailed
  43. Folding detailed 2
  44. Folding detailed 3
  45. Folding detailed 3
  46. Folding detailed 1
  47. Regulation intro
  48. Regulation eukaryotic
  49. Regulation eukaryotic key
  50. Regulation eukaryotic open
  51. Regulation eukaryotic reg 5p
  52. Regulation eukaryotic reg 3p
  53. Regulation prokaryotic
  54. Cell life cycles
  55. Chomosome cycle
  56. Chomosome cycle
  57. Chomosome cycle
  58. Chomosome cycle
  59. Sequencing
  60. Sequencing
  61. Sequencing
  62. Assembly
  63. Assembly multiple
  64. Assembly results
  65. Species comparison
  66. Mutations
  67. Key base
  68. Key base
  69. Key base2
  70. Base3
  71. Text key
  72. Overview
  73. Gene structure
  74. ORF
  75. Genome composition
  76. Genome composition human
  77. Genome comparisons
  78. Tree of life
  79. Tree of life animals
  80. Tree of life circle
  81. Tree of life circle animals
  82. Tree of life circle full
  83. Tree of life circle sizes
  84. Tree of life circle sizes square zoom
  85. Dogma reminder
  86. Regulation reminder
  87. Epigenetics
  88. Epigenetics1
  89. Epigenetics2
  90. Epigenetics3
  91. Epigenetics inherited
  92. Epigenetics inherited