1 PlatformTools

1.1 Audio-recording

1.2 What is a data-oriented “lab”?

in bio-informatics or computational-biology
…or a lab in any field of -informatics or computational-

My personal experience felt about like this:

1.3 How to explore data?

Using a real data-focused IDE!
Actually exploring data this real IDE (above),
is in contrast to the later documenting and publishing you do with different tools (below).

1.4 What is a data-oriented “lab notebook”?

in bio-informatics or computational-biology
…or a lab in any field of -informatics or computational-

Lab notebooks are a real thing, and scientists actually keep them!
They are used for documentation, which feeds into publication.


1.5 Consistency and publication!

The classic paper model:
How to increase consistency, transparency, and computability in scientific publishing?

1.5.1 How to publish experimental data exploration code?

Goal: A communicative, transparent, easy-to-read, and actually executable publication.

Discussion Question:
What has your experience been with Jupyter notebooks?
What were some features you liked?
What were some features you disliked?

1.5.2 Tools

A variety of data-focused documentation and publication tools.

Scientific publication is the one place literate programming really caught on:
I do not think is in general a good idea for real code, coding, or development,
and should be reserved solely for publication venues, after you finish. Jupyter

notebooks made this approach popular.
A type of lab-notebook for data analysis, that enabled more easily reproducible science!

Jupyter notebooks are NOT great for coding, implementation, early-stage programming,
NOR for real data exploration (in my opinion),
but they were a great start for improving the culture of transparent publication.
They are nicer for more polished documentation stages of coding data analysis.


Despite its widespread popularity, jupyter, and the ipynb format,
are both buggy and poorly programmed…
Thanks to Jupyter for kickstarting a trend,
and for the great high-level design/concept,
but the back-end implementation was technically bad.
Thus, I no longer recommend using .ipynb as your primary format
(perhaps a secondary format; see below).


System repos:
There are multiple packages, named differently across distribution, so search:
$ sudo dnf/apt/zypper search jupyter
For example, install some, or all, of the results of the previous search:
$ sudo dnf/apt/zypper install jupyter-*

If you want a newer version, don’t have sudo access, or use system repositories,
then use:
To search:
Choose what you want, and install:
$ pip3 install --upgrade jupyterlab --user Jupytext

Provides a nice bandage fix for jupyter’s poor back-end.
Plain-text, and Jupyter notebook convertible.
Many formats, including .py file scripts.

Jupytext claims to be able to interpret pandoc markdown,
yets violates the syntax for code-blocks.

Install with:


pip3 install --upgrade jupytext --user

# To see the menu in jupyterlab:
jupyter labextension enable jupyterlab-jupytext Jupyter-book

Jupyter-book builds on the previous two, intended for for larger publications.
Similar to jupytext, but with more book-like features, a layer “above” jupytext. Quarto

Quarto .qmd files are plain-text (similar to pandoc markdon format).
Quarto can run .py percent files directly.
Jupytext can run and read .qmd files too.
Quarto rendered documents are nicer than jupyter.
Uses pandoc (below).

Quarto claims to use pandoc markdown,
yets violates the syntax for code-blocks. Pandoc

Pandoc markdown preceded all of these, and was light-years ahead of its time!
More general purpose than above, for converting between MANY MANY formats, including jupyter notebooks.
Back-end for some of the projects above.
Amazing project, clean code, awesome!! Sagemath

is a better alternative to the proprietary Wolfram-Mathematica.
Not bio/data-specific, but just another scientific/mathematical programming notebook system.

1.5.3 Where to archive working versions of code, and publish?

Use a version-controlled repository to archive versions of your progress, and to publish data, code, and results!

1.5.4 How to bundle code, data, and environment?

Often, you want the entire experiment to be reproducible, by another lab or person!
Hiding your own data or code is counter to the scientific process! Virtual machine snapshots and Containers


As a computer scientist into security,
I am very much an enthusastic fan of Virtual Machines and containerization in general,
though our book for biologists who want to do computation better:
also suggests VMs as a way to bundle up an environment for replicability:
1. Do a real science study,
2. write the scripts that go from raw data to final figures (with no human input!!),
3. put the data and scripts in a VM,
4. run them all,
5. generate the figures and paper, etc.
6. Then right when you finish, export the VM as an OVA/snapshot, and publish it all.

Afterwards, there is no question about what produced the results, and anyone can do so.
This is both good proactive future-proof science,
but also good defensive strategy if your results are being replicated by another researcher. Packaging deterministic builds

“Packaging” a pipeline (software + data) in a VM or Container is theoretical overkill.
You can using OS-scale packaging tools that support deterministic builds:
To specify deterministically reproducible instructions for your data pipeline,
while not bundling all the extra, irrelevant OS extras as well. Online virtualization of shared code, data, and environment

Publishing a git repository of your work has become the gold standard of public code/data.
Sites like https://mybinder.org/ enables you to remotely run the jupyter notebooks,
in an arbitrary Git repository on someone-else’s computer,
while installing a pre-specified dependency environment.
One problem is that you can’t securely perform any push operations,
back to that Git repository you are working on,
without disclosing your password to the owner of the binder server…
Future-proof dependency handling is much less reliable than a VM.

Is this as future-proof and standalone reproducible as a VM?
Is it as easy as a VM?
Is it as likely to be reproduced?