#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Sonar Treasure Hunt""" import random import sys import math from typing import List def get_new_board() -> List[List[str]]: """Create a new 60x15 board data structure.""" board: List[List[str]] = [] # The main list is a list of 60 lists. for x in range(60): board.append([]) for _ in range(15): # Each list in the main list has 15 single-character strings. # Use different characters for the ocean to make it more readable. if random.randint(0, 1) == 0: board[x].append("~") else: board[x].append("`") return board def draw_board(board: List[List[str]]) -> None: """Draw the board data structure.""" # Initial space for the numbers down the left side of the board tens_digits_line = " " for i in range(1, 6): tens_digits_line += (" " * 9) + str(i) # Print the numbers across the top of the board. print(tens_digits_line) print(" " + ("0123456789" * 6)) print() # Print each of the 15 rows. for row in range(15): # Single-digit numbers need to be padded with an extra space. if row < 10: extra_space = " " else: extra_space = "" # Create the string for this row on the board. board_row = "" for column in range(60): board_row += board[column][row] print("%s%s %s %s" % (extra_space, row, board_row, row)) # Print the numbers across the bottom of the board. print() print(" " + ("0123456789" * 6)) print(tens_digits_line) def get_random_chests(num_chests: int) -> List[List[int]]: """Create a list of chest data structures (two-item lists of x, y int coordinates).""" chests: List[List[int]] = [] while len(chests) < num_chests: new_chest = [random.randint(0, 59), random.randint(0, 14)] # Make sure a chest is not already here. if new_chest not in chests: chests.append(new_chest) return chests def is_on_board(x: int, y: int) -> bool: """Return True if the coordinates are on the board; otherwise, return False.""" return 0 <= x <= 59 and 0 <= y <= 14 def make_move(board: List[List[str]], chests: List[List[int]], x: int, y: int) -> str: """ Change the board data structure with a sonar device character. Remove treasure chests from the chests list as they are found. Return False if this is an invalid move. Otherwise, return the string of the result of this move. """ smallest_distance = 100.0 # Any chest will be closer than 100. for cx, cy in chests: distance = math.sqrt((cx - x) * (cx - x) + (cy - y) * (cy - y)) # We want the closest treasure chest. if distance < smallest_distance: smallest_distance = distance smallest_distance = round(smallest_distance) if smallest_distance == 0: # xy is directly on a treasure chest! chests.remove([x, y]) return "You have found a sunken treasure chest!" if smallest_distance < 10: board[x][y] = str(smallest_distance) return "Treasure detected at a distance of %s from the sonar device." % ( smallest_distance ) board[x][y] = "X" return "Sonar did not detect anything. All treasure chests out of range." def enter_player_move(previous_moves: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]: """Let the player enter their move. Return a two-item list of int xy coordinates.""" print("Where do you want to drop the next sonar device? (0-14 0-59) (or type quit)") # print('Where do you want to drop the next sonar device? (0-59 0-14) (or type quit)') while True: move_str = input() if move_str.lower() == "quit": print("Thanks for playing!") sys.exit() move = move_str.split() if ( len(move) == 2 and move[0].isdigit() and move[1].isdigit() and is_on_board(int(move[1]), int(move[0])) ): if [int(move[1]), int(move[0])] in previous_moves: print("You already moved there.") continue return [int(move[1]), int(move[0])] print("Enter a number from 0 to 14, a space, then a number from 0 to 59.") def show_instructions() -> None: """Just prints instructions""" print( """Instructions: You are the captain of the Simon, a treasure-hunting ship. Your current mission is to use sonar devices to find three sunken treasure chests at the bottom of the ocean. But you only have cheap sonar that finds distance, not direction. Enter the coordinates to drop a sonar device. The ocean map will be marked with how far away the nearest chest is, or an X if it is beyond the sonar device's range. For example, the C marks are where chests are. The sonar device shows a 3 because the closest chest is 3 spaces away. 1 2 3 012345678901234567890123456789012 0 ~~~~`~```~`~``~~~``~`~~``~~~``~`~ 0 1 ~`~`~``~~`~```~~~```~~`~`~~~`~~~~ 1 2 `~`C``3`~~~~`C`~~~~`````~~``~~~`` 2 3 ````````~~~`````~~~`~`````~`~``~` 3 4 ~`~~~~`~~`~~`C`~``~~`~~~`~```~``~ 4 012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 (In the real game, the chests are not visible in the ocean.) Press enter to continue...""" ) input() print( """When you drop a sonar device directly on a chest, you retrieve it and the other sonar devices update to show how far away the next nearest chest is. The chests are beyond the range of the sonar device on the left, so it shows an X. 1 2 3 012345678901234567890123456789012 0 ~~~~`~```~`~``~~~``~`~~``~~~``~`~ 0 1 ~`~`~``~~`~```~~~```~~`~`~~~`~~~~ 1 2 `~`X``7`~~~~`C`~~~~`````~~``~~~`` 2 3 ````````~~~`````~~~`~`````~`~``~` 3 4 ~`~~~~`~~`~~`C`~``~~`~~~`~```~``~ 4 012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 The treasure chests don't move around. Sonar devices can detect treasure chests up to a distance of 9 spaces. Try to collect all 3 chests before running out of sonar devices. Good luck! Press enter to continue...""" ) input() def main() -> None: """Driver for the game""" print("S O N A R !") print() print("Would you like to view the instructions? (yes/no)") if input().lower().startswith("y"): show_instructions() while True: # Game setup sonar_devices = 20 the_board = get_new_board() the_chests = get_random_chests(3) draw_board(the_board) previous_moves: List[List[int]] = [] while sonar_devices > 0: # Show sonar device and chest statuses. print( "You have %s sonar device(s) left. %s treasure chest(s) remaining." % (sonar_devices, len(the_chests)) ) x, y = enter_player_move(previous_moves) previous_moves.append([x, y]) # We must track all moves so that sonar devices can be updated. move_result = make_move(the_board, the_chests, x, y) if move_result == "You have found a sunken treasure chest!": # Update all the sonar devices currently on the map. for x, y in previous_moves: make_move(the_board, the_chests, x, y) draw_board(the_board) print(move_result) if len(the_chests) == 0: print( "You have found all the sunken treasure chests! Congratulations and good game!" ) break sonar_devices -= 1 if sonar_devices == 0: print( "We've run out of sonar devices! Now we have to turn the ship around and head" ) print("for home with treasure chests still out there! Game over.") print(" The remaining chests were here:") for x, y in the_chests: print(" %s, %s" % (x, y)) print("Do you want to play again? (yes or no)") if not input().lower().startswith("y"): sys.exit() if __name__ == "__main__": main()