#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Dec 3 18:16:57 2016 @author: taylor@mst.edu """ from functools import lru_cache from typing import Optional # %% Recall, fib is slow with recursion # memoization specific to the problem is a fix def fib_memo(n: int, memo: dict[int, int]) -> int: """ Computes the first n fib numbers. """ if n not in memo: memo[n] = fib_memo(n - 1, memo) + fib_memo(n - 2, memo) return memo[n] memo: dict[int, int] = {0: 0, 1: 1} print(fib_memo(35, memo)) # %% memoizatino v2 (general) def fib_memo_gen(n: int, fib_cache: Optional[dict[int, int]] = None) -> int: """ Return Fibonacci of x, where x is a non-negative int Hides the memoiziation from the user! """ if fib_cache is None: fib_cache = {} if n in fib_cache: return fib_cache[n] if n < 2: return n # or 1 else: value = fib_memo_gen(n - 1, fib_cache) + fib_memo_gen(n - 2, fib_cache) fib_cache[n] = value return value print(fib_memo_gen(35)) # %% memoization v3 (Python general) @lru_cache(maxsize=1000) def fib_memo_lru(n: int) -> int: """ Return Fibonacci of x, where x is a non-negative int Uses a decorator memoization method """ if n < 2: return n # or 1 else: return fib_memo_lru(n - 1) + fib_memo_lru(n - 2) print(fib_memo_lru(35))