Increasing robustness/reducing noise by repeatedly re-evaluate
solutions and take an average
Implicitly via population management
Resample when degree of variation present is greater than the range
of estimated fitnesses in population
Law of diminishing returns
Resampling decisions independently for each solution
Dynamic environments
Make sure that there is enough diversity in the population
Memory based approaches for switching or cyclic environments
Expanding memory of EA
Example: GA with diploid representation, structured GA
Explicitly increasing diversity in dynamic environment
Examples: GA with a hypermutation operator, random immigrants
Preserving diversity and resampling: modifying selection and
replacement policies
Steady-state GAs with “delete-oldest” replacement strategy
6 Example: Time-varying knapsack
Number of items having value vit and weight or cost cit
Select a subset maximising total value meeting time-varying capacity
constraint C(t)
Smith and Vavak did multiple experiments
Binary-coded SSGA 100 members
Parent selection by binary tournament
Uniform crossover
Hypermutation operator (triggered if running average drops)
Parameter values are decided after initial experiments
Best performance when combining conservative (binary) tournament
with delete-oldest. Using this policy with hypermutation results in
finding the global optima in switching environment and continuously
moving optima