Note: click on this, and actually read it; it’s part of the
This course focuses on the Internet and the general principles of computer networking. It covers the TCP/IP model from the application layer to the link layer in a top-down approach. It also exposes students to multimedia networking, network security, wireless and mobile networks. This course includes performance modeling and analysis, development and implementation of complex communication protocols. Prerequisite: A “C” or better grade in Comp Sci 3800.
In general, in this class, you are welcome to propose some variant of these assignments that benefits you. For example, setting up a DNS server for something you actually need to do, in a different environment that the class uses, setting up your own real web server, DHCP server, etc. It will often, but not always overlap enough.
I normally try very hard to not require a “paid” textbook.
This one is the best in the field, and is a great book
The 6th edition is actually better, in my opinion, and the 7th edition
is actually worse…).
It is optional, though you can just duck it:
Open/free textbooks:
* (
* free, 2 different versions; 1st ed explicitly mimics the above
You’re going to make a virtualized corporate network on your own
You should use Fedora Security Labs for most of those virtual
Virtual machines are NOT optional in this course.
Python, Python-Scapy, a hint of bash, SQL