1 21d-PracticalPersonal

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This is a common pattern:

1.1 Screencasts

1.2 How to set up a small business or personal computer securely

From the bottom up, hardware to high level:

1.3 Computer hardware, firmware, crypto-keys

Hardware in security arms race?
Hardware and higher level compromise?

1.4 BIOS, firmware-level

1.5 Choose your computer operating system

1.6 Securely obtain the image file for your distribution

1.7 Install

1.8 Update all software (if not already done)

1.9 Post-install system OS hardening and configuration

1.10 Software

1.11 Privacy

1.12 Operational Security (OpSec)

The most important thing on this list: STFU…

A fun note on modern interent op-sec: https://sive.rs/anon

1.13 Tangent: Phone

Are there any fully open/transparent phones? Not really, but some laudable efforts: