1 Permissions


1.1 Screencasts

1.2 bash: how to get help


### Man files
# General: these are the same
man chmod
man 1 chmod

# When you see this --> "see also: chmod(2)" do this:
man 2 chmod

### help
chmod --help

### info (does not have the same 'less' shortcuts
info chmod

### To search type / then your term, then enter,
# then n or shift-n to search forward and backward!

Search for term
/term enter

Next term

Previous term
shift n

1.3 Permissions

http://labor-liber.org/en/gnu-linux/introduction/ (p69-77)

1.3.1 Permissions calculators

Show this in lecture:

1.3.2 Basic Linux/Unix permissions Symbolic form


Permissions/perm3.gif Type of file


Show some example permissions


cd ~
ls -al

cd /
ls -al Numeric form

The symbolic form is easier, better human factors (safer),
and less likely to be screwed up than the numeric form;
use the symbolic form preferably.

Permissions/permissions1.png Summary



1.3.3 Examples


ls -l
touch file.txt
ls -l
stat file.txt
ls -i file.txt

# Basic DAC
whatis chmod
which chmod
man chmod
chmod --help

# Though numeric permissions (e.g., chmod 777 file.txt) work fine,
# the following syntax is much better:
chmod u=rw file.txt
chmod u+x file.txt
touch file2.txt
chmod o+rw,g+rw file2.txt
chmod go-rwx file2.txt

# Executable +x
echo '#!/usr/bin/python3' >script.py
echo "print('hi')" >>script.py
chmod +x script.py

# For setting directories as accessible
# Note: difference between +x and +X
chmod --recursive u+X directiory/subdirectory

# What about the permissions of the shadow file
sudo stat /etc/shadow
sudo ls -l /etc/shadow

# What about the permissions of the passwd file
sudo stat /etc/passwd
sudo ls -l /etc/passwd

Each symbolic chmod command has 3 parts:

1.4 Special bits

http://labor-liber.org/en/gnu-linux/introduction/index.php?diapo=special_permissions (good!)

1.4.1 Special bits differ for files and directories

Special permissions on files and directories:

  1. SetUID
  2. SetGID
  3. Sticky bit
Special perm On file On dir
SGID or Set Group ID The effective group of an executing program is the file owner group. Files created in the directory inherit its GID.
SUID or Set User ID A program is executed with the file owner’s permissions (rather than with the permissions of the user who executes it). Files created in the directory inherit its UID.
Sticky (bit) A program sticks in memory after execution (old, system dependent) Any user can create files, but only the owner of a file can delete it.

Permissions as output in columns 2 to 10 of ls -l and their meaning.

1.4.2 How they appear in ls output

**Permissions**         **Meaning**
--S------         SUID is set, but user (owner) execute is not set.
--s------         SUID and user execute are both set.
-----S---         SGID is set, but group execute is not set.
-----s---         SGID and group execute are both set.
--------T         Sticky bit is set, bot other execute is not set.
--------t         Sticky bit and other execute are both set.

1.4.3 SUID example (passwd)

This is the binary executable program for changing your password,
not the file where your password is actually stored.


# setuid bit will show as s in execute place
which passwd
sudo ls -l /usr/bin/passwd
sudo stat /usr/bin/passwd

The impact of this special bit is that:
the user can change their own password,
by effectively executing this program as root!

Discussion question:
Occasionally binaries have vulnerabilites
What happens if /usr/bin/passwd has a bug or vulnerability?
What happens if that vulnerability enables a shell?
Why is the SUID bit relevant in this situation? Locating SUID/SGID files

How to find files with SUID or SGID bits set?

Discussion question:
Why might you want to do this?

The list of files this produces is interesting!
These binaries need to be well-tested!


# find / -perm +mode has been deprecated

# To find all the files with SUID but set, use the below command
sudo find / -perm -u=s
sudo find / -perm /u=s

# To find all the files with SGID bit set, use the below command
sudo find / -perm -g=s
sudo find / -perm /g=s

1.4.4 Sticky

The sticky bit works in a different way than it used to.
It no longer has no effect on files.
When used on a directory,
all the files in said directory,
will be modifiable only by their owners.
A typical case in which it is used,
involves the /tmp/ directory.
/tmp/ is writable by all users on the system.
Thus, to make impossible for one user to delete the files of another one,
the sticky bit is set:


# Sticky bit will show as t in the execute place
ll /
# see /tmp folder
ls -ld /tmp
stat /tmp

# Sticky can be set by:
chmod u+s /path/to/file.txt
chmod g+s /path/to/file.txt

1.5 Umask (defaults)


Like with basic permissions, symbolic is easier/better:

On most Linux/Unix/BSD systems, defaults are:

666 (rw- rw- rw-)

777 (rwx rwx rwx)

This default is modified using the umask command.

For example, 0002, prescribes that other (o) can’t write:

u=rwx, g=rwx, o=rx

The logic is that we apply it by subtracting the umask,
though the numeric form is best thought about in binary:

666-002 = 664 (rw- rw- r--)
               110 110 110
-              000 000 010
               110 110 100

777-002 = 775 (rwx rwx r-x)
               111 111 111
-              000 000 010
               111 111 101
**Octal digit  Permissions the mask will prohibit from being set during file creation**
0              any permission may be set (read, write, execute)
1              setting of execute permission is prohibited (read and write)
2              setting of write permission is prohibited (read and execute)
3              setting of write and execute permission is prohibited (read only)
4              setting of read permission is prohibited (write and execute)
5              setting of read and execute permission is prohibited (write only)
6              setting of read and write permission is prohibited (execute only)
7              all permissions are prohibited from being set (no permissions)

The default mask is applied whenever a file is created.
If the mask has a bit set to “1”,
that means the corresponding file permission will always be disabled,
when files are subsequently created.
A bit set to “0” in the mask means that:
the corresponding permission will be determined by both,
the requesting process and the OS,
when files are subsequently created.
In other words, the mask acts as a last-stage filter,
that strips away permissions as a file is created
Each bit that is set to a “1”,
strips away that corresponding permission for the file.

chmod -R g=,o= .#!/bin/bash

# To create secure defaults on file creation:
whatis umask
which umask
man umask
umask --help
info umask

# numeric

# symbolic
umask -S

# For example, to tighten on a single user system,
# you could remove all from group and other,
# by running this on shell init,
# for example in ~/.bash_profile or /home/user/.config/fish/config.fish
umask u=rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx
# or
umask u=rwx,g=,o=
# or more simply
umask go=
umask -S

# This would set the mask so that it would:
# prohibit the write permission from being set for the user,
# while leaving the rest of the flags unchanged;
# allow the read permission to be enabled for the group,
# while prohibiting write and execute permission for the group;
#  allow the read permission to be enabled for others,
# while leaving the rest of the other flags unchanged.
umask u-w,g=r,o+r

# If you want to clean up an existing /home/user directory,
# where files were created with a more lax umask:
chmod -R g=,o= .
chmod -R g,o= .
chmod -R g-rwx,o-rwx .

1.6 File attributes

To see a nicely formatted list of the attributes:

To stop a file from being modified by anyone, or force the OS to do secure deletion on a particular file:


# Other file attributes
whatis chattr
which chattr
man chattr
info chattr
chattr --help

# can't be changed
touch immutablefile.txt
sudo chattr +i immutablefile.txt

# Can't modify
vim immutablefile.txt
rm immutablefile.txt

sudo chattr -i immutablefile.txt
rm immutablefile.txt

# Securely deleted when deleted
touch extraspecialsecuretempfile.txt
chattr +s extraspecialsecuretempfile.txt
# This may or may not be respected by your ssd hard drive itself.
# Just encrypt anyway.

1.7 Owners and ACL

(not a Linux specific page)


getfacl and setfacl enable manipulating more advanced access control lists.
If additional ACL are used via getfactl and setfacl,
then a ‘+’ will appear after the permissions.


touch file1.txt
touch file2.txt

# add a user (more to come on next page)
sudo useradd bob
sudo passwd bob

# User ownership changes
whatis chown
which chown
man chown
chown --help
sudo chown bob file1.txt
ls -l # note bob now owns file

##### ACL
# More advanced ACL than basic DAC
whatis getfacl
which getfacl
man getfacl
getfacl --help

getfacl file1.txt

whatis setfacl
which setfacl
man setfacl
setfacl --help

# to add another user or group to a file using ACL
# (rather than a class group or ACL group).
setfacl -m u:userlisa:r file1.txt
setfacl -m g:mygroup:rw file1.txt

getfacl file1.txt
getfacl file2.txt

whatis chacl
man chacl
chacl --help

1.8 SELinux

If SELinux permissions are used,
then you may see a ‘.’ after the permissions.
ls -Z
lists them


# Arbitrarily more advanced ABAC (full lecture coming up later)
ls -Z  # for selinux permissions

More on SELinux to come in a later lecture: AppArmorSELinux.html
