1 05-Security

Previous: 04-NetworkData.html

1.1 Audio-recording

1.2 Opening thoughts

Side-channels are the most common attacks!

1.3 IDS and firewall Introduction

1.3.1 Firewalls

1.3.2 Design requirements

1.3.3 Firewall characteristics Firewall Access Policy Firewalls can filter by Capabilities Limitations

1.4 Types of firewall


1.4.1 Packet filtering firewall (a) above

Packet filtering firewall stores tables of rules (chains)

  1. Inbound mail from an external source is allowed (port 25 is for SMTP incoming).
  2. This rule is intended to allow a response to an inbound SMTP connection.
  3. Outbound mail to an external source is allowed.
  4. This rule is intended to allow a response to an inbound SMTP connection.
  5. This is an explicit statement of the default policy. All rule sets include this rule implicitly as the last rule. Advantages Weaknesses

1.4.2 Stateful inspection firewall (c) below

A TCP packet tries to get past the firewall on the way to the bar.
Firewall says “hey, you’re out of order”.

* Statefulness tightens rules for TCP traffic by creating a directory of outbound TCP connections.
* There is an entry for each currently established connection.
* Packet filter allows incoming traffic to high numbered ports only for those packets that fit the profile of one of the entries in this directory.
* Reviews packet information, but also records information about TCP connections
* Keeps track of TCP sequence numbers to prevent attacks that depend on the sequence number

* Does this remind you of any other protocol/service we have talked about recently?
* What about incoming UDP?

Stateful Inspection Firewall needs to keep a dynamically changing table of connections:
Table of outgoing connections determines which incoming connections are allowed.

1.4.3 Application layer firewall / proxy (b) below


Application level gateways can be:

Network based (e.g., big brother your employees to the extreme)
* Also called an application proxy
* Acts as a relay of application-level traffic
* User contacts gateway using a TCP/IP application
* User is authenticated
* Gateway contacts application on remote host and relays TCP segments between server and user
* Must have proxy code for each application
* May restrict application features supported

Host based (e.g., don’t trust your own applications, privacy firewall)
* Function by determining whether a process should accept any given connection.
* A host-based application firewall can monitor any application input, output, and/or system service calls made from, to, or by an application.
* This is done by examining information passed through system calls instead of or in addition to a network stack.
* AppArmon or SELinux can do this
* https://github.com/evilsocket/opensnitch (a decent/interesting Linux implementation of this idea)
* Note: there are a couple older attempts at this idea, but the above seems to be the cleanest on Linux

Note: In my opinion, one very cool project would be making an open-snitch/little-snitch/zone-alarm like firewall out of SELinux.

1.4.4 Circuit level proxy firewall (d) below

05-Security/f1-crop_fw.png Circuit-Level Gateway/Proxy

A kind of:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server SOCKS5

* Designed to provide a framework for client-server applications in TCP/UDP domains to conveniently and securely use the services of a network firewall
* Client application contacts SOCKS server, authenticates, sends relay request
* Server evaluates and either establishes or denies the connection
* SOCKS server proxies TCP connections to an arbitrary IP address, and provides a means for UDP packets to be forwarded.

Another example:
* Tor sets up a SOCKS proxy that does not require authentication for applications running on localhost
* Those applications may send data to the socks proxy, and have that data relayed through the Tor network.
* You can re-configured your regular browser or any other application with SOCKS settings to run through the Tor browser’s Tor process in this way.

* A Tor user’s SOCKS-aware applications can be configured to direct their network traffic through a Tor instance’s SOCKS interface, which is listening on TCP port 9050 (for standalone Tor) or 9150 (for Tor Browser bundle) at localhost.
* Tor periodically creates virtual circuits through the Tor network through which it can multiplex and onion-route that traffic to its destination.
* Once inside a Tor network, the traffic is sent from router to router along the circuit, ultimately reaching an exit node at which point the cleartext packet is available and is forwarded on to its original destination.
* Viewed from the destination, the traffic appears to originate at the Tor exit node.
* A Tor non-exit relay with a maximum output of 239.69 kbit/s
* Tor’s application independence sets it apart from most other anonymity networks: it works at the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) stream level.
* Applications whose traffic is commonly anonymized using Tor include Internet Relay Chat (IRC), instant messaging, and World Wide Web browsing.

demo in class

sudo dnf install tor
sudo systemctl enable tor
sudo systemctl start tor
# route firefox settings through socks/9050 with DNS too

Another fun example (check out in class):

1.5 Firewall location and configuration

1.5.1 Bastion hosts

1.5.2 Host-based firewalls

1.5.3 Personal firewall netfilter and iptables


1.5.4 Locations

Firewall locations and demilitarized zone (DMZ)

IPSec based VPN

Distributed firewall locations

1.5.5 Firewall Topologies

1.6 Linux standard firewall: IPtables


Note: I’ve had numerous students say that this section of the class helped them pass an interview or even make it through an internship, learning IPTables that is.

1.6.1 IPtables, netfilter, kernel networking


IPtables and netfilter

* Iptables resides in what we call the user-space, this is your interface to the firewall for setting up your firewall rules.
* The same applies to ip6tables, nft, etc.

* netfilter, the framework which iptables configures.
* Netfilter implements a series of ‘hooks’ that inspect packets in the protocol stack, such as IPv4.
* These hooks allow for kernel modules to interact with them.
* Iptables has a huge list of kernel modules used for its firewalling capabilities.
* We have everything from tcp and udp to pkttype (Packet Type).
* In fact if you want to see a list of iptables kernel modules, type:
sudo cat /proc/net/ip_tables_matches

Hardware / interfaces:
* Network adapters; eth0, eth1, etc.
* Netfilter uses prerouting and postrouting to and from the network stack to inspect packets sent and received on each interface.
Where in OS?
* Packet inspection is done at the kernel layer with netfilter
* All the firewall rules and tools to manage the firewall reside in the user-space.

1.6.2 Architecture

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter

IPtables and netfilter
05-Security/Netfilter-packet-flow.png Chains in tables

As a packet triggers a netfilter hook, the associated chains will be processed as they are listed in the table above from top-to-bottom, with rules processed from top to bottom. Tables

filter table is one of the most widely used tables in iptables.
* The filter table is used to make decisions about whether to let a packet continue to its intended destination or to deny its request.
* In firewall parlance, this is known as “filtering” packets.
* This table provides the bulk of functionality that people think of when discussing firewalls.

nat table is used to implement network address translation rules.
* As packets enter the network stack, rules in this table will determine whether and how to modify the packet’s source or destination addresses in order to impact the way that the packet and any response traffic are routed.

mangle table is used to alter the IP headers of the packet in various ways.
* You can adjust the TTL (Time to Live) value of a packet, either lengthening or shortening the number of valid network hops the packet can sustain.

The iptables firewall is stateful, meaning that packets are evaluated in regards to their relation to previous packets.
* The connection tracking features built on top of the netfilter framework allow iptables to view packets as part of an ongoing connection or session instead of as a stream of discrete, unrelated packets.
* The connection tracking logic is usually applied very soon after the packet hits the network interface.
* The raw table has a very narrowly defined function.
* Its only purpose is to provide a mechanism for marking packets in order to opt-out of connection tracking.

The security table is used to set internal SELinux security context marks on packets
* This affects how SELinux or other systems that can interpret SELinux security contexts handle the packets.
* These marks can be applied on a per-packet or per-connection basis.

Chains in tables
05-Security/iptables-filter-nat-mangle-tables.png Chains rely on kernel hooks

Netfilter Kernel Hooks Chains

As you can see, the names of the built-in chains mirror the names of the netfilter hooks they are associated with: Rules

Rules in chains
Rules are also processed in order, often with a catch-all at the end. Traversal order

Chain Traversal Order Assuming that the server knows how to route a packet and that the firewall rules permit its transmission, the following flows represent the paths that will be traversed in different situations:

IPtables and netfilter flow

Targets (another chain to send to) A target is the action that are triggered when a packet meets the matching criteria of a rule.
Targets are generally divided into two categories:

1.7 Stateful connection tracking

1.7.1 TCP connections

TCP state tracking: connection

For a stateful firewall:

TCP state tracking: closing

TCP state tracking: client sub-connection

TCP state tracking: server sub-connection

1.7.2 UDP “connection” tracking

UDP state tracking: “connection”
Watches inverted port numbers.

State Explanation: NEW
* The NEW state tells us that the packet is the first packet that we see.
* This means that the first packet that the conntrack module sees, within a specific connection, will be matched.
* For example, if we see a SYN packet and it is the first packet in a connection that we see, it will match.
* However, the packet may as well not be a SYN packet and still be considered NEW.
* This may lead to certain problems in some instances, but it may also be extremely helpful when we need to pick up lost connections from other firewalls, or when a connection has already timed out, but in reality is not closed.

State Explanation: ESTABLISHED
* The ESTABLISHED state has seen traffic in both directions and will then continuously match those packets.
* ESTABLISHED connections are fairly easy to understand.
* The only requirement to get into an ESTABLISHED state is that one host sends a packet, and that it later on gets a reply from the other host.
* The NEW state will upon receipt of the reply packet to or through the firewall change to the ESTABLISHED state.
* ICMP reply messages can also be considered as ESTABLISHED, if we created a packet that in turn generated the reply ICMP message.

State Explanation: RELATED
* The RELATED state is one of the more tricky states.
* A connection is considered RELATED when it is related to another already ESTABLISHED connection.
* What this means, is that for a connection to be considered as RELATED, we must first have a connection that is considered ESTABLISHED.
* The ESTABLISHED connection will then spawn a connection outside of the main connection.
* The newly spawned connection will then be considered RELATED, if the conntrack module is able to understand that it is RELATED.
* Some good examples of connections that can be considered as RELATED are the FTP-data connections that are considered RELATED to the FTP control port, and the DCC connections issued through IRC.
* This could be used to allow ICMP error messages, FTP transfers and DCC’s to work properly through the firewall.
* Do note that most TCP protocols and some UDP protocols that rely on this mechanism are quite complex and send connection information within the payload of the TCP or UDP data segments, and hence require special helper modules to be correctly understood.

State Explanation: INVALID
* The INVALID state means that the packet can’t be identified or that it does not have any state.
* This may be due to several reasons, such as the system running out of memory or ICMP error messages that do not respond to any known connections.
* Generally, it is a good idea to DROP everything in this state.

State Explanation: UNTRACKED
* This is the UNTRACKED state.
* In brief, if a packet is marked within the raw table with the NOTRACK target, then that packet will show up as UNTRACKED in the state machine.
* This also means that all RELATED connections will not be seen, so some caution must be taken when dealing with the UNTRACKED connections since the state machine will not be able to see related ICMP messages et cetera.




# Read:
# man iptables
# man iptables-extensions
# sudo iptables -m conntrack -h

# list of common ports in
cat /etc/services

# Run: netstat -lntu
#    -l  prints only listening sockets
#    -n  shows port number
#    -t  enables listing of tcp ports
#    -u  enables listing of udp ports
sudo netstat -lntu

# To display existing IPtables rules
echo before
echo | sudo iptables -L -v
echo | sudo iptables -S

# If you are running Fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FirewallD
#sudo dnf install iptables-services
#sudo systemctl mask firewalld.service
#sudo systemctl enable iptables.service
#sudo systemctl enable ip6tables.service
#sudo systemctl stop firewalld.service
#sudo systemctl start iptables.service
#sudo systemctl start ip6tables.service

# STEP 0: clear all old rultes
sudo iptables -F # (--flush or -F)
sudo iptables -F -t mangle
sudo iptables -F -t nat

sudo iptables -X # (--delete-chain or -X)
sudo iptables -X -t mangle
sudo iptables -X -t nat

# STEP 1: set default policies for each chain, using (--policy or -P)
sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
sudo iptables -P FORWARD DROP
sudo iptables -P OUTPUT DROP

# STEP 2: Add new rules to each chain (INPUT, FORWARD, OUTPUT) using this syntax:

# sudo iptables -A  -i <interface> -p <protocol (tcp/udp)> -s <source> --dport <port no.>  -j <target>

########## INPUT CHAIN

# As network traffic generally needs to be two-way,
# incoming and outgoing to work properly,
# it is typical to create a firewall rule that allows established and related incoming traffic,
# so that the server will allow return traffic to outgoing connections initiated by the server itself.
# This command will allow that:
#old syntax: sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Local traffic accepted
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

# Simple version of SSH incoming OK, stateless
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

# SSH incoming OK, stateful
sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 22 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Accept packets from trusted IP addresses
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT               # change the IP address as appropriate
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT            # using standard slash notation
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT # or using a subnet mask

# To block network connections that originate from a specific IP address,
# for example, run this command:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -s -j DROP

# Accept tcp packets on destination port 6881 (bittorrent)
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881 -j ACCEPT

# Some network traffic packets get marked as invalid.
# Sometimes it can be useful to log this type of packet but often it is fine to drop them.
# Do so with this command:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -m conntrack --ctstate INVALID -j DROP

# To allow all incoming HTTPS (port 443) connections run these commands:
sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m conntrack --ctstate NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Default catch-all in case you did not have a secure default policy
sudo iptables -A INPUT -j REJECT

########## FORWARD CHAIN

# Assuming eth0 is your external network,
# and eth1 is your internal network,
# this will allow your internal to access the external:
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth1 -o eth0 -j ACCEPT

sudo iptables -A FORWARD -j REJECT

########## OUTPUT CHAIN
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT

# HTTPS port allowed out, but not HTTP port
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport https -j ACCEPT
# sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport http -j ACCEPT

# DNS allowed out on 53
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p udp --dport domain -j ACCEPT

# Output SSH allowed.
# You may want to allow outgoing traffic of all established connections,
# which are typically the response to legitimate incoming connections.
# This command will allow that:
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp --sport 22 -m conntrack --ctstate ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT

# Block a particular website (e.g., facebook):
# host -t a www.facebook.com says ip is:
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -d -j DROP

# Final catch-all in case you did not have a secure default policy
sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -j REJECT

# Note: this line assumes Fedora, and Debian is different.
# The rest above should be cross-distro
sudo service iptables save

echo after
echo | sudo iptables -L -v
echo | sudo iptables -S

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cahoot-05-1

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Cahoot-05-2


* is a BSD based firewall that you may encounter, particularly given the dominance of BSD-based firewall distributions like pfSense and OPNSense.

1.8 IPS/IDS Intrusion Prevention/Dection Systems

1.8.1 Classes of Intruders Intruders - Activists Intruders - State-Sponsored Organizations Intruders - Others

1.8.2 Intruder skill levels Intruder Skill Levels - Apprentice Intruder Skill Levels - Journeyman Intruder Skill Levels - Master

1.8.3 Examples of Intrusion

1.8.4 Intruder Behavior Target Acquisition and Information Gathering Initial Access Privilege Escalation Information Gathering or System Exploit Maintaining Access Covering Tracks

1.8.5 Intrusion detection Definitions

Security Intrusion:
* A security event, or a combination of multiple security events, that constitutes a security incident in which an intruder gains, or attempts to gain, access to a system (or system resource) without having authorization to do so.

Intrusion Detection:
* A security service that monitors and analyzes system events for the purpose of finding, and providing real-time or near real-time warning of, attempts to access system resources in an unauthorized manner. Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Host-based IDS (HIDS) Network-based IDS (NIDS) Distributed or hybrid IDS

Combines information from a number of sensors, often both host and network based, in a central analyzer that is able to better identify and respond to intrusion activity

Discrimination between normal an intruder behavior
05-Security/f1-crop.png IDS requirements Analysis Approaches

  1. Anomaly detection
  1. Signature/Heuristic detection 1. Anomaly based detection

* Analysis of the observed behavior using univariate, multivariate, or time-series models of observed metrics

Knowledge based
* Approaches use an expert system that classifies observed behavior according to a set of rules that model legitimate behavior

Machine learning
* Approaches automatically determine a suitable classification model from the training data using data mining techniques: Bayesian networks, Markov models, Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Clustering, and Reinforcement learning. 2. Signature or heuristic based detection

Signature approaches
* Match a large collection of known patterns of malicious data against data stored on a system or in transit over a network
* The signatures need to be large enough to minimize the false alarm rate, while still detecting a sufficiently large fraction of malicious data
* Widely used in anti-virus products, network traffic scanning proxies, and in NIDS

Rule-based heuristic identification
* Involves the use of rules for identifying known penetrations or penetrations that would exploit known weaknesses
* Rules can also be defined that identify suspicious behavior, even when the behavior is within the bounds of established patterns of usage
* Typically rules used are specific
* SNORT is an example of a rule-based NIDS

++++++++++++++++++++ Cahoot-05-3

1.8.6 Host-based intrusion detection (HIDS) Data sources and sensors Anomaly based detection Signature or heuristic based detection Distributed HIDS

Three main components:

  1. Host agent module:
  2. LAN monitor agent module:
  3. Central manager module:

Agent architecture

1.8.7 Network-based NIDS Types of network sensors

Sensor types: inline and passive

Passive NIDS sensor
05-Security/f4-crop.png Sensor locations

Sensor deployment locations
05-Security/f5-crop.png Intrusion detection techniques

Attacks suitable for signature detection
* Application layer reconnaissance and attacks
* Transport layer reconnaissance and attacks
* Network layer reconnaissance and attacks
* Unexpected application services
* Policy violations

Attacks suitable for anomaly detection
* Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks
* Scanning
* Worms

Stateful Protocol Analysis (SPA)
* Subset of anomaly detection that compares observed network traffic against predetermined universal vendor supplied profiles of benign protocol traffic
* This distinguishes it from anomaly techniques trained with organization specific traffic protocols
* Understands and tracks network, transport, and application protocol states to ensure they progress as expected
* A key disadvantage is the high resource use it requires Logging alerts

Typical information logged by a NIDS sensor includes:

1.8.8 Distributed or hybrid HIDS

1.8.9 ID data standards

IETF Intrusion Detection Working Group
* Purpose is to define data formats and exchange procedures for sharing information of interest to intrusion detection and response systems and to management systems that may need to interact with them

General message exchange framework
05-Security/f7-crop.png General message exchange framework

1.9 Example IDS/IPS: Snort


++++++++++++++++++ Cahoot-05-4

1.10 Other firewalls, and firewall and router distributions

Check these out in class, sort tables by license:
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_router_and_firewall_distributions
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_firewalls

1.10.1 pf (a firewall) and pfSense (a production OS)

pf is the openbsd firewall
* https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PF_(firewall)

pfSense is a firewall distribution
* https://www.pfsense.org/
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PfSense
* https://www.pfsense.org/download/ (community edition available as iso)
* pfSense is an open source firewall/router computer software distribution based on FreeBSD.
* It is installed on a physical computer or a virtual machine to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network.
* It can be configured and upgraded through a web-based interface, and requires no knowledge of the underlying FreeBSD system to manage.
* IDS/IPS systems like SNORT are well-integrated into the platform

OPNsense is a fork of pfSense
* https://docs.opnsense.org/history/thefork.html
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OPNsense
* https://opnsense.org/

More info on how to set up pfSense and Snort in ra05-Firewall-IPS

1.11 Honeypots

(show this link)

1.11.1 Honeypot types

Most are server honeypots, but some are clients. Pure honeypots Low interaction honeypot High interaction honeypot Client honeypot

* Client Honeypots are active security devices in search of malicious servers that attack clients.
* The client honeypot poses as a client and interacts with the server to examine whether an attack has occurred.
* Often the focus of client honeypots is on web browsers, but any client that interacts with servers can be part of a client honeypot (for example ftp, ssh, email, etc.).

1.11.2 Applications

1.11.3 Honeypot locations


1.11.4 Example honeypots and demos

05-Security/honeypots.png Attack maps

Some derived from honeypots, others from actual attack, network, and malware statistics
* https://norse-corp.com/map/
* https://www.digitalattackmap.com/
* https://cybermap.kaspersky.com/
* https://threatmap.checkpoint.com/ThreatPortal/livemap.html
* https://threatmap.fortiguard.com/
* https://www.akamai.com/es/es/resources/visualizing-akamai/real-time-web-monitor.jsp?tab=attacks&theme=dark
* https://map.lookingglasscyber.com/
* https://threatbutt.com/map/
* https://talosintelligence.com/fullpage_maps/pulse
* https://www.sophos.com/en-us/threat-center/threat-monitoring/threatdashboard.aspx
* https://www.fireeye.com/cyber-map/threat-map.html

“When you go after honey with a balloon, the great thing is to not let the bees know you’re coming.”
- Winnie the Pooh

+++++++++++++++++ Cahoot-05-5

2 DoS (Denial of Service)

3 Definitions

Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attack The NIST Computer Security Incident Handling Guide defines a DoS attack as:
“An action that prevents or impairs the authorized use of networks, systems, or applications by exhausting resources such as central processing units (CPU), memory, bandwidth, and disk space.”

Categories of resources that could be attacked:

Network bandwidth
* Dependent on the capacity of the network links connecting a server to the Internet
* For most organizations this is their connection to their Internet Service Provider (ISP)
* Overwhelm any legitimate traffic, denying legitimate users access to the server

System resources
* Aims to overload or crash the network handling software
* Include temporary buffers used to hold arriving packets, tables of open connections, etc

Application resources
* Typically involves a number of valid requests, which intentionally consume significant resources (e.g., database query), thus limiting the ability of the server to respond to requests from other users

Varieties of end users as both attackers and victims

4 DoS Attacks


4.1 Classic DoS Attacks

4.2 Source Address Spoofing

4.3 SYN spoofing

TCP 3-way handshake: SYN, SYN-ACK, ACK

TCP SYN Spoofing Attack

SYN spoofing versus classic flooding

5 Flooding attacks

5.1 ICMP

Flooding Attacks: ICMP
Note: ICMP is the topic up next.

ICMP flood

5.2 UDP

Flooding Attacks: UDP

UDP flood

5.3 TCP

Flooding Attacks: TCP

TCP SYN flood

6 DDoS

Singe versus multiple attackers
* All of these flooding attack variants are limited in the total volume of traffic that can be generated if just a single system is used to launch the attack, which is also easy to trace
* By using multiple systems, the attacker can scale up the volume of attack scale
* By directing the attack through intermediaries, the attacker is further distanced from the target and significantly harder to locate and identify.
* Indirect attack types that utilize multiple systems include:
* Distributed denial-of-service attacks
* Reflector attacks
* Amplifier attacks

Distributed Denial of Service DDoS Attacks
* Use of multiple systems to generate attacks
* Attacker uses a flaw in operating system or in a common application to gain access and installs their program on it (zombie)
* Large collections of such systems under the control of one attacker’s control can be created, forming a botnet

6.1 Handlers

Attacker can use handlers for efficiency and stealth

7 Application-based bandwidth attack

7.1 SIP

DoS on a SIP server

7.2 HTTP

7.2.1 HTTP Flood

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Attacks

HTTP flood
* Bombards Web servers with HTTP requests
* Consumes considerable resources
* Spidering: Bots starting from a given HTTP link and following all links on the provided Web site recursively

7.2.2 Slowloris

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Attacks

* HTTP specs state a blank line indicates the end of request headers and the beginning of the payload, if any.
* Once the entire request is received, the Web server may then respond by sending the object.
* Slowloris sends an incomplete request that does not include the terminating newline sequence.
* Then, send additional header lines to keep the connection alive, but never send terminating newline sequence.
* Web server keeps the connection open, expecting more information to complete the request.
* Eventually consumes Web server’s connection capacity
* Utilizes legitimate HTTP traffic, not malformed or buggy
* Existing intrusion detection and prevention solutions that rely on signatures to detect attacks will generally not recognize Slowloris
* Can you easily program a bot to perform this attack?

8 Reflection Attacks

Reflection using TCP SYN
* A variant of reflection attack uses TCP SYN packets and exploits the normal three-way handshake used to establish a TCP connection.
* The attacker sends a number of SYN packets with spoofed source addresses to the chosen intermediaries.
* In turn the intermediaries respond with a SYN-ACK packet to the spoofed source address, which is actually the target system.
* The attacker uses this attack with a number of intermediaries, to avoid detection and bandwidth constraints.
* The aim is to generate high enough volumes of packets to flood the link to the target system.
* The target system will respond with a RST packet for any that get through, but by then the attack has already succeeded in overwhelming the target’s network link.

DNS reflection attack exploits recursive DNS:
* Normal on left
* Attack on right
* (port 7 is echo)

9 Amplification attack

Broadcast to intermediaries who performs reflection attack

DNS Amplification Attacks
* Example: Use packets directed at a legitimate DNS server as the intermediary system, with the source address spoofed as the victim’s
* Attacker creates a series of DNS requests containing the spoofed source address of the target system
* Exploit DNS behavior to convert a small request to a much larger response of a big DNS resource record (amplification)
* Target is flooded with larger responses
* Basic defense against this attack is to prevent the use of spoofed source addresses

10 Denial-of-service as a service

11 DoS Defenses

11.1 Dos Prevention

11.2 Responding to DoS Attacks

Good Incident Response Plan, example:
* Details on how to contact technical personal for ISP
* Needed to impose traffic filtering upstream
* Details of how to respond to the attack

  1. Identify type of attack
  2. Have ISP trace packet flow back to source
  3. Implement contingency plan
  4. Update incident response plan

12 TLS

(Transport Layer Security)

* http://intronetworks.cs.luc.edu/current2/uhtml/publickey.html#tls

* https://www.computer-networking.info/2nd/html/protocols/tls.html

13 Introduction

What is Transport Layer Security?
* Probably the Internet’s most important security protocol
* Designed over 20 years ago by Netscape for Web transactions (Back then, called Secure Sockets Layer)
* But used for just about everything you can think of: (HTTP, SSL-VPNs, E-mail, Voice/video, IoT, etc)
* Maintained by the Internet Engineering Task Force
* Now at version 1.2

13.1 Timeline


13.2 Purpose

A Secure Channel
* Client connects to a known server (e.g., it has the domain name)
* Server is (almost) always authenticated as part of TLS
* Client may or may not be authenticated by TLS; often authenticated by the application, e.g., with a password
* After setup, data is encrypted and authenticated, though what “authenticated” means to the server is fuzzy

13.3 Network stack

TLS is actually application layer

13.4 Protection?

Just wrap your socket:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import ssl
import base64
import socket

cc = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM)
cc.connect(("smtp.gmail.com", 587))

cc.send("helo tester.com\r\n")

scc = ssl.wrap_socket(cc)
scc.send("auth login\r\n")

scc.send(base64.b64encode("username") + "\r\n")
scc.send(base64.b64encode("password") + "\r\n")

14 Protocols

TLS Structure

Handshake protocol
* Establish shared keys (typically using public key cryptography)
* Negotiate algorithms, modes, parameters
* Authenticate one or both sides

Record protocol
* Carry individual messages
* Protected under symmetric keys

14.1 Overview

TLS protocol stack

14.2 Handshake protocol

High level overview

Pseudo TLS handshake

During the handshake phase, Bob needs to
* establish a TCP connection with Alice,
* verify that Alice is really Alice, and
* send Alice a master secret key, which will be used by both Alice and Bob to generate all the symmetric keys they need for the SSL session.
* because the certificate has been certified by a CA, Bob knows for sure that the public key in the certificate belongs to Alice.
* Bob then generates a Master Secret (MS) (which will only be used for this SSL session), encrypts the MS with Alice’s public key to create the Encyrpted Master Secret (EMS), and sends the EMS to Alice.
* Alice decrypts the EMS with her private key to get the MS.
* After this phase, both Bob and Alice (and no one else) know the master secret for this SSL session.

TLS handshake

RSA handshake
* Ks is server’s public key

TLS handshake details
* SSL does not mandate that Alice and Bob use a specific symmetric key algorithm, a specific public-key algorithm, or a specific MAC.
* Instead, SSL allows Alice and Bob to agree on the cryptographic algorithms at the beginning of the SSL session, during the handshake phase.
* During the handshake phase, Alice and Bob send nonces to each other, which are used in the creation of the session keys:
* EB = session encryption key for data sent from Bob to Alice
* MB = session MAC key for data sent from Bob to Alice
* EA = session encryption key for data sent from Alice to Bob
* MA = session MAC key for data sent from Alice to Bob

The steps of the real SSL handshake are as follows:
1. The client sends a list of cryptographic algorithms it supports, along with a client nonce.
2. From the list, the server chooses a symmetric algorithm (for example, AES), a public key algorithm (for example, RSA with a specific key length), and a MAC algorithm. It sends back to the client its choices, as well as a certificate and a server nonce.
3. The client verifies the certificate, extracts the server’s public key, generates a Pre-Master Secret (PMS), encrypts the PMS with the server’s public key, and sends the encrypted PMS to the server.
4. Using the same key derivation function (as specified by the SSL standard), the client and server independently compute the Master Secret (MS) from the PMS and nonces. The MS is then sliced up to generate the two encryption and two MAC keys. Furthermore, when the chosen symmetric cipher employs CBC (such as 3DES or AES), then two Initialization Vectors (IVs)—one for each side of the connection—are also obtained from the MS. Henceforth, all messages sent between client and server are encrypted and authenticated (with the MAC).
5. The client sends a MAC of all the handshake messages.
6. The server sends a MAC of all the handshake messages.

The last two steps protect the handshake from tampering.

Timing and computational cost

14.2.1 Cipher options

Many options for public key method (handshake, key exchange, authentication)

Many options and for private key choice (data transmission)

Many options for integrity as well (data transmission validity)

14.3 TLS Record

protocol: data transmission itself


Application layer, but acts like transport

14.4 Heartbeat protocol

Serves two purposes
* First, it assures the sender that the recipient is still alive, even though there may not have been any activity over the underlying TCP connection for a while.  
* Second, the heartbeat generates activity across the connection during idle periods, which avoids closure by a firewall that does not tolerate idle connections.

14.5 Alert protocol

14.6 Change Cipher Spec protocol

15 Perfect forward secure?

What happens if the server’s private key is stolen, hacked, or subpoenaed?

15.1 DH

Diffie-Hellman-Merkle to the rescue

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm

Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange

Why DH?
* and what about authentication??

15.2 Classic vs. DH



15.3 How?

To make your server perfect forward secure, if you are using python:


Options include:
DiffieHellman key exchange-based PFSs

**Elliptic curve DiffieHellman-based PFSs**

15.4 UDP / SSL


15.4.1 VOIP / ZRTP

15.4.2 OpenVPN


15.5 IPSec


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