1 Content

1.1 Review

Make sure you actually know everything outlined here,
including Bash, VMs, Containers, Git, Standard Input/Output (I/O), etc.:

1.2 Schedule and due dates

The schedule and due dates will be updated as we progress through the semester (on Canvas).
Please check back regularly for changes.

1.3 Topic outline

1.3.1 History and First day



1.3.2 Basic tools and shell review

What does the existing landscape of operating systems look like?
The following are needed for understanding the assignment framework,
and for understanding the basics of IO, piping, redirection, etc.:
(1st half, shell IO.html)

1.3.3 OS theory, Minix introduction


1.3.4 C++ and C Review

If you need a review of C++, see these two class pages:
A quick overview of C:

1.3.5 Makefile review

See the content on Makefiles here:

1.3.6 OS design details and Minix

Here is the actual source code for Minix,
and scripts for running, editing, re-compiling:
It is the same version as the code I review in lecture.


1.4 Assignments

pa00_vm - Run Linux in a virtual machine, do basic Bash programming.

pa01_container - Run a Linux in a container, do C programming, with Makefile example.

pa02_ps - Edit the process manager in Minix3.

pa03_? - ??