Make sure you actually know everything outlined here,
including Bash, VMs, Containers, Git, Standard Input/Output (I/O),
Schedule and due dates
- The schedule and due dates will be updated as we progress through
the semester:
- Please check back regularly for changes.
Topical outline
- Inspiration, introduction
- Slides: Content/00-Inspiration.html
- Review syllabus
- Review Canvas
- How to review C++ (below)
- Meet your neighbor and exchange contact information
- C++ review
- Pointers
- Pointer basics, arrays
- Pointers and functions, arrays of pointers, pointers to
- Dynamic memory, dynamic arrays, memory leaks, classes with
pointer members, constructors and destructors
- Inheritance and polymorphism
- Basic inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Exception handling
- Ch1 ADT, big picture on Data Structures
- Ch2 Mathematical preliminaries and recursion
- Basics of recursion
- Recursion(int day){return Recursion(day+=1);}
- Backtracking
- Ch3 Algorithm analysis
- Asymptotic analysis and Big O
- Analysis and complexity
- Ch4
- ADT list and array list
- (an aside) Modern C++ std:: iterators, containers,
algorithms , std::vector
- Linked list
- Doubly linked list, free-lists
- Stack
- Queue
- Associative array, dictionary, map (sub-optimally in a list
- Ch5 and Ch6
- General trees, binary trees, traversals
- Binary search tree
- Heaps
- Applications of heaps
- Ch7
- Internal sorts
- Bin sort, Radix sort
- Ch8, File processing: caching and external sort (optional
- Ch9, Search
- Basic search
- Hash tables
- Ch11, Graph theory
- ADT graph
- Graph implementations
- Traversals: Depth-first search,
Breadth-first search
- Topological sort, Shortest path
- Wrap-up, review
- Ch10, Indexing, B-trees (optional topic, likely